Monday, August 23, 2010

6 months!

A whole half year already!My little bald and still blue eyes baby is still a very happy guy. He has regressed a little in sleeping. He was sleeping in his crib swaddled, but then he started rolling. I'd swaddle him, he'd roll on his belly, get stuck, get mad and cry.

So right now Levi sleeps all night long, but in the swing, not in his crib. And it is with the swing off. We'll work on it. But for now, he sleeps all night and it isn't in my bed, so I'm okay with it! So cute!

Monday, August 2, 2010

If you have forgotten...

I am lazy.

Not only am I lazy, but I hate to spoon feed babies.

Levi has entered that "let's try solids" phase. Yuck.

So, like the other two, if he wants it, he needs to get it in his mouth. (I am well aware of the fact that I will not be getting mother of the year ever.)

He is doing very well with the self feeding and loving making the mess.